Thursday 24 April 2014

Pancake whateverday #5

So #pancakesunday turned to be a pancake Tuesday and finally posting it on Thursday, so... you know what? It's pancake whatever day, enjoy!;)
On the menu: Chocolate pancakes, no sugar, no eggs, so it's vegan and super healthy the same time!
Lately I'm in love with Minimalist Baker and I used one of their pancake recipe from the 7 ingredients or less cookbook what you can download as well if you subscribe on their newsletter.
Although as always, I've changed hell lot of things, added my own ideas and turned it into a healthy version.
1 cup wholewheat flour mixed with some ground almond
1 tbsp baking powder
1.5 tbsp xilit
1 cup almond milk
1.5 tbsp grape oil
~15-20 g xilit chocolate or any type of no sugar diet one.
Combine the dry ingredients first, then add the rest. Cut, or grate the chocolate before adding it into the mixture.
If you have, you can use some nonstick spray on the griddle, otherwise use oil.
Flip the pancakes when bubbles appear on top and edges appear dry. Then cook for 1-2 minutes more.
Get ready, no surprise, chocolate made them a bit sticky, but I guess the amazing smell and taste compensate us for all the difficulties.
And if you are going for an extra pleasure, serve with a mixture of melted butter & chocolate. In one word, it's yummm.

*If you are not particularly looking for a no egg recipe, I would recommend to use one, at least I'll try that way next time.


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