Yeah, right now I feel like running into the woods. And maybe I would feel less lost there, than right here.
My mind is full and asking me questions. I don't know the answers, only feeling them.
And I don't exactly know what I want, only what I don't want.
To follow feelings and things you don't know, is kind dangerous. But I was never afraid to open doors that lead to nowhere, because sometimes nowhere is the place where you have to go...
Just decide if you can cross the lines...
Friday, 31 January 2014
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
This was the day, when i was totally bored and couldn't really spend my free time the way I feel it's productive. That made me think, I skip the blogging part too, being lazy is ok sometimes, especially if you have a day job, you tired and feel like a mess...
But actually NOT. That way days just stay simple days, and life is something to survive.
But I never liked that idea. And guess what?! Today was a really successful day of my facebook page, i have plenty of new likes, reached the magical 100, and actually already above. So I'm grateful and happy and I want to say thank you.
Thank You Everyone, total strangers, friends, those who are reading this right now because of me, and thank you those who never met me, but giving me the trust to read my lines. And if you enjoy my posts, it worth to sit down and write my long stories or my crazy little sweet nothings, sometimes it's my whole heart, sometimes it's just a piece of fun.
But actually NOT. That way days just stay simple days, and life is something to survive.
But I never liked that idea. And guess what?! Today was a really successful day of my facebook page, i have plenty of new likes, reached the magical 100, and actually already above. So I'm grateful and happy and I want to say thank you.
Thank You Everyone, total strangers, friends, those who are reading this right now because of me, and thank you those who never met me, but giving me the trust to read my lines. And if you enjoy my posts, it worth to sit down and write my long stories or my crazy little sweet nothings, sometimes it's my whole heart, sometimes it's just a piece of fun.
So here I am. And hopefully here you are, and in that case, please do me the favour to drop me a short comment to say hello, follow my blog and like my facebook page. Thanks!:)
![]() Wild Compass Facebook
Pictures source: Pinterest,
Monday, 27 January 2014
Don't be normal
Craving for fresh air, Ocean, flying, discover, get lost in new places, visit old places again, just be free, write, be creative, smile, laugh and feel the happiness comes from the deepest part of my heart.
Photo sources: Pinterest, and Keep Calm and Pretend You're at the Beach.
Sunday, 26 January 2014
All that makes me happy
Basically I'm all about healthy eating, vitamin bomb juices, Lush products --> bubble bath, burgers (ok, that's not really included in healthy eating) and buying summer dresses when I'm in the need of pullovers and winter stuff...
So we can say, it's easy to please me lately. That's it, if I get my yummy morning juice and in the evening I can spend an hour relaxing in my hot bath, more or less, but I'm kind of happy.
I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but all I can say, if you are not truly happy about some things in your life temporarily, at least try to enjoy the small delights of the moment. That's what I do.
But really, this shitty weather makes us sick, tired and depressive.
But here is the morning relieve:
2 oranges
3 mandarins
1/2 lemon
1/4 apple
1/2 carrot
tiny piece of cucumber
a bit of fresh ginger
Usually I just squeeze the oranges, mandarins and lemon and I use a blender to mix the juice with all the other fruits. Of course it's even better if you have a special juicer, but it works pretty well for me this simple way too.
If you prefer, you can add some mineral water.
I bet this is the perfect morning wake up bomb, better than coffee, and that's a big word from a barista.:P
If you are lazy in the mornings (like me) you can prepare it the evening before. It's amazing to wake up knowing that you have something delicious in your fridge!:)
And I don't want to seem like a secret advertisement agent of Lush, but I'm totally in LOVE with their products! I like their brand, the package, the lovely staff in their shops, it's totally fresh and handmade, 100% organic & vegan, most importantly they don't test on animals.
I started with a few products about a year ago and ended up using almost everything! I'm slowly changing even my make-up products, because it doesn't make sense to put good quality, natural cream on my face, while I'm keep using the same old foundation and powder.
It's not cheap, I know. Same with healthy food. But you are what you eat and what you use on your skin. These things are getting into your body and I guess, it's better to pay more, but be sure you are not a robot with colourings, preservatives and artificial flavors... Right?!
So we can say, it's easy to please me lately. That's it, if I get my yummy morning juice and in the evening I can spend an hour relaxing in my hot bath, more or less, but I'm kind of happy.
I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, but all I can say, if you are not truly happy about some things in your life temporarily, at least try to enjoy the small delights of the moment. That's what I do.
But really, this shitty weather makes us sick, tired and depressive.
But here is the morning relieve:
2 oranges
3 mandarins
1/2 lemon
1/4 apple
1/2 carrot
tiny piece of cucumber
a bit of fresh ginger
Usually I just squeeze the oranges, mandarins and lemon and I use a blender to mix the juice with all the other fruits. Of course it's even better if you have a special juicer, but it works pretty well for me this simple way too.
If you prefer, you can add some mineral water.
I bet this is the perfect morning wake up bomb, better than coffee, and that's a big word from a barista.:P
If you are lazy in the mornings (like me) you can prepare it the evening before. It's amazing to wake up knowing that you have something delicious in your fridge!:)
And I don't want to seem like a secret advertisement agent of Lush, but I'm totally in LOVE with their products! I like their brand, the package, the lovely staff in their shops, it's totally fresh and handmade, 100% organic & vegan, most importantly they don't test on animals.
I started with a few products about a year ago and ended up using almost everything! I'm slowly changing even my make-up products, because it doesn't make sense to put good quality, natural cream on my face, while I'm keep using the same old foundation and powder.
It's not cheap, I know. Same with healthy food. But you are what you eat and what you use on your skin. These things are getting into your body and I guess, it's better to pay more, but be sure you are not a robot with colourings, preservatives and artificial flavors... Right?!

bubble bath,
no animal tesing,
Friday, 24 January 2014
A year to think
One day when I'll have my own family, I definitely want to do that! To travel around the World with my loved ones. I think that's the greatest life experience you can give to your children.
"This film takes one second from each day and strings them all together. When we watch this mind-bending mash-up — our personal Around The World In 365 seconds — we are instantly transported back to the experience of the trip. The feeling of openness and adventure and discovery and togetherness. It’s incredible how the days really did seem to move past in seconds, and the best year of our life — while it seemed long while we were living it (to paraphrase Finn) — seems like it flew by in minutes."
- -
"This film takes one second from each day and strings them all together. When we watch this mind-bending mash-up — our personal Around The World In 365 seconds — we are instantly transported back to the experience of the trip. The feeling of openness and adventure and discovery and togetherness. It’s incredible how the days really did seem to move past in seconds, and the best year of our life — while it seemed long while we were living it (to paraphrase Finn) — seems like it flew by in minutes."
- -
Wednesday, 22 January 2014
Breathe out the bullshit
I'm seriously considering this advice today...
And sending it with love from me to everyone having a shitty day!;)
Luckily my slightly shitty day is almost over and actually I should be in bed right know to avoid starting an other shit day tomorrow. So peace & love:)
And sending it with love from me to everyone having a shitty day!;)
Luckily my slightly shitty day is almost over and actually I should be in bed right know to avoid starting an other shit day tomorrow. So peace & love:)
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Snow day
I'm in such a winter mood!!!
I want my well deserved snow! I'm craving for it!
This year's winter is really rubbish here so far. No snow at all, rainy, wet, grey, foggy, warm... and I can continue this ugly list forever...
But now I see some hope for the first snow as long as I can believe the forecast.
I'm bored that almost everybody hates snow lately. Mumbling and crying for summer...
I know, I know, I understand it's good to wear your summer dress, jump into a lake on a hot afternoon and eat ice-cream all day long. But come on, there are so many cool things to do on a snow day!
Today's mission: to bring you to winter wonderland and share a tiny bit of my snow mood;)
Let's imagine...
snow fight
sitting in the window with a cup of hot tea and watch the snow fall
wake up on an early morning for the surprise that everything is white
knitted sweaters
hot chocolate
be under the soft cover
just lie on the ground and let the snow fall on your face
listen to the falling snow
go on an ice-skating date
build a snowman
bake cookies
drink red wine and watch movies
read your favorite book
just sleep, sleep... and more sleep
Winter is fun, don't you think?!;)
(Pictures are from Pinterest. You can find them and their source at:
Monday, 20 January 2014
Thank you all, the blog has reached 2000 pageviews and it makes me really happy as it's increasing day by day.
It such a lovely feeling to know, there are people coming back regularly, sharing with their friends, or every new visitor who took their time to read a post... Love you all and appreciate all the support!
Soon I open my adventurous year with the first trip to..... MADRID!
Until that I keep posting about all the little, funny or less funny, helpful and useless stuff... Just about those daily things and crazy thoughts. Just being me.;)
It such a lovely feeling to know, there are people coming back regularly, sharing with their friends, or every new visitor who took their time to read a post... Love you all and appreciate all the support!
Soon I open my adventurous year with the first trip to..... MADRID!
Until that I keep posting about all the little, funny or less funny, helpful and useless stuff... Just about those daily things and crazy thoughts. Just being me.;)
Sunday, 19 January 2014
...please, please, please.
Lately I'm having this in my mind a lot and I guess it's one of the most useful advice we can get... So true. Sometimes we're keep wishing, but not giving the chance to become true.
Of course it's not about lottery, but actually... yeah... I'm planning to buy a ticket long time ago. Maybe it's time to do it!:D If I'm in Greenland next week, then this little quotation was a good advice!;)
“There’s a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint, begging, “Dear saint—please, please, please…give me the grace to win the lottery.” This lament goes on for months. Finally the exasperated statue comes to life, looks down at the begging man and says in weary disgust, “My son—please, please, please – buy a ticket.”
-Eat, Pray, Love
Of course it's not about lottery, but actually... yeah... I'm planning to buy a ticket long time ago. Maybe it's time to do it!:D If I'm in Greenland next week, then this little quotation was a good advice!;)
“There’s a wonderful old Italian joke about a poor man who goes to church every day and prays before the statue of a great saint, begging, “Dear saint—please, please, please…give me the grace to win the lottery.” This lament goes on for months. Finally the exasperated statue comes to life, looks down at the begging man and says in weary disgust, “My son—please, please, please – buy a ticket.”
-Eat, Pray, Love
Frances Ha
"It’s that thing when you’re with someone and you love them and they know it, and they love you and you know it, but it’s a party! And you’re both talking to other people and you’re laughing and shining and you look across the room and catch each other’s eyes. But…but not because you’re possessive or it’s precisely sexual but because that is your person in this life. And it’s funny and sad but only because this life will end. And it’s this secret world that exists right there in public unnoticed that no one knows about. It’s sort of like how they say that other dimensions exist all around us, but we don’t have the ability to perceive them. That’s…that’s what I want out of a relationship or just life, I guess."
-Frances Handley (Greta Gerwig) in Frances Ha
Thursday, 9 January 2014
Blurry night
I took a few pics one of the nights on my balcony. I was fascinated by the magic of colours, mist and cold... I love those late night moments when everything seems much simpler, less stressed, and somehow I always have the feeling that nights are promising something new, something that is worth waiting for.
I didn't edit or use filter on them, they are just the way that moment was.
Saturday, 4 January 2014
Sliding doors
Yesterday night I watched a movie, Sliding doors with Gwyneth Paltrow.
It's not a new one, and maybe a few of you know the story, but it seriously made me think, and it worth a post I guess.
In a few words, the story is about a successful London women, works as a manager, has a handsome writer boyfriend, basically her life is perfect. And then... one day to an other, loosing her job.
From that moment the movie is showing us two lines, and the only difference, whether or not she catches the subway. In parallel, we see both ways how that tiny thing changes her life.
It makes us think about fate, timing and decisions..
Personally, it's not the first time I'm thinking about this topic. I never found the real answers, and maybe I never will, but just imagine for a second....
... There are hundreds of moments a day that are mutate your life one way or an other.
What are those coincidences that made your life the way it is today?
If you think back, how did you get to know your best friend, your lover, wife, husband..?
How did you hear about that job you are working at right now?
How a life changing idea came to your mind?
Any, I mean really ANY of your seconds are changing you and where do your life lead!
It's scary, but true. It's not even magic, just the reality. That's simple.
But I'm more interested -and the story writer was too- if whatever happens, whichever ways we choose, and whether we miss that subway or not, is there a moment, when no matter what, but fate does it's job?!
But I'm more interested -and the story writer was too- if whatever happens, whichever ways we choose, and whether we miss that subway or not, is there a moment, when no matter what, but fate does it's job?!
If I have to meet someone, I meet him no matter what? Imagine, you met your boyfriend in a restaurant, (true story!;)) in a place you never went before, by chance. This day, that time, you had lunch there, so you got to know him. But what if you went to eat Chinese that day? You lost your chance to meet? That's it? Or you meet that person on an other day, maybe not even that year, in a different life situation, the story line will be different, but at least you meet, because that's your fate?!
Sorry if I'm annoying using questions in my whole post, but without knowing the answers myself, I won't try to convince you about anything. Make you interested and curious about that topic, is more a success to me, then make you believe my point of view.
But of course, I tell you want I think.
I believe there are main, important events, people, happenings in our life. They will find us, no matter what. But thinking that everything is written, from A-Z... No! It's my personal choice if I smile back at that stranger on the street, if I let someone to be my friend, if I can use the opportunity to get my dream job, if I enjoy my life, or crying and feeling blue until it's too late... So what I guess, it's 50-50%. Fate and ME.
And one more thing, well, actually two.:)
1. Watch that movie!
2. Don't be grumpy if you wake up too late, miss the bus, get fired from your job... Because everything happens with a reason, maybe that's the second that saves your life!
Friday, 3 January 2014
Have you noticed that every year we start with hunderds of plans and end up doing almost none of them!?
What else can I wish for? Honestly, the most important is to be happy... And that tiny little word includes everything! You can be truly happy if all the pieces are in the right place.
That's why I'm proud of my last year, finally I felt I made the steps for a happy life and at the end I found a happy bucket list!;)
But... 2014 is not a year to be lazy, I have more plans than ever!
All I want for the new year is...
More good burgers
More cozy cafes
More time to read
Discover nice new music
Visit Iceland again, including a journey to the Faroe Islands
Finally start learning to play on the guitar
Driving license!!!!!!! ( not a thing I want, but a thing I need!!!)
Do yoga regularly
Meditation before I go crazy ;P
Eat real breakfast even if I work early
Do not destroy all my laptops
Eat healthy, be healthy
Write, write, write! --> buy a vintage typewriter
Make a real big photoalbum and fill it with the greatest moments
Spend more time with old friends
Be open to find new friends
Less stress, more breathe:)
Clean my apartment from A - Z!
What else can I wish for? Honestly, the most important is to be happy... And that tiny little word includes everything! You can be truly happy if all the pieces are in the right place.
And I'm working on this. To find pieces, answers, or simply find the right questions.
What's your question to me, to you, to a friend...anyone?
Everyone has a question wanting to be answered.
Thursday, 2 January 2014
So this is the 2nd day of 2014 and all about 2013
So here I am. First Thursday of 2014, sitting in a cafe, drinking a latte and thinking about last year, about all the things I did, and preparing my list for this brand new year, where I still have 364 days to enjoy.
It's scary, especially if I think about how fantastic things happened to me in the past year. But I have to mention all the tears, all those blue days, depressed times... Yeah, from that perspective, I see, I can not only expect pink clouds, love, happiness, stressless days, but most definitely I have to be ready to LIVE life the fullest and accept it as a package. A package with good and bad things, but I'm pretty sure, that we are on this World to enjoy, to smile, to laugh. And after all those deep points, the good and bad things are slowly start to make a little sence. (Here is the time to listen to Pascal Pinon: Good and Bad Things:))
I've missed lots of opportunities to share my life events, although day by day I'm just dieing to write more. My mind is a big chaotic novel and I keep typing every seconds of my life. A big goal for 2014 is to use more pen and paper, buy a real old typewriter... Or worst case, use my ipad and write blog!;)
So, let's try to overview the coolest achievements of 2013, including all the big great adventures and the tiny crazy moments..
- Adventures
~ I was travelling 6 times in 12 months.
~ Visited Sicily, Iceland, Portugal, Kiev, Malta and Rome.
~ I was flying by plane exactly 14 times.
~ I was flying by plane exactly 14 times.
~ I managed to see as much as possible from Iceland in 2 weeks on a wild, spontaneous and adventurous way. I met with the loveliest, open minded people and after all I had a cool daytrip to Grimsey, the northernmost island of Icleland and so typically being me... lost my coat on the way to the Arctic Circle. And so what?! It was even more special that way, especially that i met really great guys there and I can still call them my friends since this day.
~ In Portugal, I spent lovely days with my parents, fell in love with Lissbon and enjoyed the sunshine and Ocean of south parts, glad to say I went parasailing and visited the westernmost extent of mainland Portugal and continental Europe.
-Let's jump a bit back from journeys to Hungary, especially the 5th of August...
If any of you have ever checked my bucket list, you know, on first place I have hot air balloon ride.
And so we did it! I got it as a surprise experience from my boyfriend as this was the day we we're together exactly one year ago. I have to admit, this was the coolest present, so he put the level pretty high!;)
That was such an old dream... and finding no words to describe the feeling when you are up in the air, you're free and feel the fresh air, above the lake Velence, so it was the perfection of fire meeting with air and water. Now I can check it on my list, but it doesn't mean I don't want to experience this again and again. Definitely have to visit a big hot air balloon festival, those seem so wonderful!
~ Oh and here comes the event I can talk about the most passionate way!! t.A.T.u.
I'm a fan since.... At least 10 years ago. And it was a very top wish of mine to see them at least once again in my life on a big concert. And it happened 27th of September, including a nice long weekend in Kiev. And not only a long, live, big concert, but a wee talk with Lena, autographs and photos with both of them! Secretly, not that I'm insatiable, but still hoping for a concert, maaaybe in Moscow this time... and that would be the 5th concert I visit. But ok, we'll see what future brings!:)
~ And Malta... Was really a nice journey. Lot of people was trying to convince me before that it's not nice at all and boring, but glad I didn't listen to them as I experienced the opposite. I'm a fan of northern places, but still, this one became one of my favorite places. So anytime, anyone is thinking about offering me a house there, do not hesitate!;)
We not only visited Malta, but spent the half time in Gozo, and from there we had a daytrip on the island of Comino, famous about the Blue Lagoon.
~ Rome. Won't talk too long about it. Once, because this post is becoming a quite long novel, twice, because I drank all my coffee.
It was not my first time there. I visited Rome about 6 years ago, but this time was special, because I went alone (some last minute changes in plans.) and I have to say it was still good. Long weekend alone, just me and my thoughts, I needed this.
~ Oops.
I forgot to talk about Sicily that was the first trip of the year. But I guess, both me and Sam are on the same opinion. There were nice momenrs and pretty places... But... Alltogether it was not the journey of our life. Too busy, too noisy, too dirty. I mean, mostly I'm talking about Catania. I admit there are lovely places out there.
- Except adventures... This year I've got some new tattoos! Exactly 5. Oh wow... That sounds a lot!:D Sorry Mum!;)
And I could talk about more concers, parties, moments with friends, moments alone, but it's time to go out and have a walk, breathe fresh air, because after all... it's a new year, that's a new day, and I can not sit for ages in front of my ipad. So I keep my 2014 list for later...
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