Sunday, 26 May 2013

Closer to dreams

I can't really remember which was the moment I totally fell in love with idea of visiting Iceland. it's a deep feeling inside, like something that was always in my heart.
But it just got stronger and stronger in the past 2 years.
Once I got the chance actually to work there in the summer in a cafe. I still feel a bit sorry I didn't accept, but on other hand I feel more ready now. And those times I collected other amazing memories in Barra, Outer Hebrides. So never know why things happened in the way they did and if you miss one thing, there are plenty other opportunities.

But now, finally, I have 2 weeks booked in Iceland!! I still can't really believe that time passed by so fast since I bought my plane ticket. It was at least 2 months ago and I felt it will never come. But it's here, exactly in 4 days!

I have lot of things to do and organize in this few days. I'm the typical example who does everything in the very last minute. But, ok, this time I'm still much better than usually.
I have my accomodations organized, both couchsurfing and hostel.
I have my two guided daytrips booked.
I have most of my clothes and other stuff prepared.
Ummm.. and that's all.

It's not only an important trip because it's a beautiful country, but for me it's the proof that I can do and reach everything I want to. And it makes me believe that all the other wishes on my bucket list will come true.

I always hear people telling they want to go here.. and there. They want to do that and that.. They have desires. They have dreams.
But I see only very rarely that they go for them. I don't say it's easy. And do not think that for me to do that trip was only a decision. No, it was hard work. I live much modestly since I know I go. And gave up a few other plans for the summer.
Everybody can do anything! Don't tell you will do it one day, because who knows how much time we have and if this certain "one day" will come or not... Only one thing is sure, that right here, right now, you can live your dreams!

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