Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Show me your tattoo, I tell who you are...

... or kind of.
Actually I'm not sure if I can completly agree with my title.

It's a bit antagonistic. On one hand, I feel like tattoos can express you, express your feelings, your point of view, your style, your personality... Although it can mislead people. Most of them just look at you, notice your tattoo, and suddenly they have a stereotype in their head. So from that moment they have a clear idea how bad and crazy you are.

I feel, the truth is, again as always, somewhere in the middle.

I hate when people just halve humanity into two sides, tattoed and non tattoed ones. Hah, funny.. or rather sad.
Don't like those "hard hat" people (I don't know if this phrase is uses in English too) who just live their life in a box and unable to admit, there is a World outside of this, something that is bigger than they are.
Yeah, sometimes I would like to shoot those people with a gun who have bad opinion about tattoos. ( I know I'm agressive:P) Or when they are talking about how horrible is it when somebody's body is full of these doodles. And when you calmly smiling at them and tell, "yeah, I have one on me too". Love that! Than suddenly they change their mind and start to find excuses! :P

Don't get me wrong. We are all different. I'm not waiting everyone to like being inked, but I just wait some acceptance. For example my family and most of my friends are not a fan of tattoos, but they accept me how I am. They know it's a piece of me and although they don't want one for themself, they just like mine.. or at least try to like! ;)

And I find important that I'm talking about the ones with meaning, not the fashion girls and guys who just want to be super cool...

I've got my first one last september. A bird. That means so much to me. Freedom, travelling, creativity, do what you want, go where you want...

The second one is not too old. I got it in February. Infinity. It's kind of a reminder for me to know that I shoud not worry, I have plenty of time, because we exist forever, ot at leats or soul does. I quite often afraid that I'm not doing enough. That time is passing by too fast and I still have millions of things to fulfill. But everytime I look at this symbol, it helps me.

Third one. Oh yeah, now you will understand why I'm writing about tattoos today... :)
For tomorrow I have an appointment. I'm going to get a compass. That will hopefully help me to find and choose the right way and take me to all those beautiful places I want to go.

So even if you are a tattoo fan or not. Take a minute sometime to understand others. Maybe if you are not concentrating that much to be so "earth-bound", you can discover some new beauties in life. And it will help to understand others.

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