Monday, 31 March 2014

Pancake (Sunday) Monday #2

Yesterday I've run out of time a bit, there were so many things in my mind and actually we had a really cool weekend with lots of fun programs.
So this time #pancakesunday became pancake Monday!;)
A wonderful yummy looking pancake on Pinterest was my inspiration, but honestly finally I've changed so many ingredients and basically everything about it, that I guess, this is kind of a new recipe now!;)
When I'm baking I love to use my imagination and never really sticked to the quantities, so forgive me, but I can give you only a circa idea how to prepare this!:)

Here is what I used to bake no sugar cocoa-muesli pancakes
3 tbsp oat bran
5 tbsp muesli mix (no added sugar)
1 tbsp  cocoa powder
1 tbsp xilit
1 tbsp ground almonds
2 tbsp graham flour
1 banana
2-3 dl almond milk
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp grape oil (and some more for the baking)
Use a blender to mix everything. Be careful with the milk, add it slowly and try to do some baking test before using the whole quantity depending how thick pancakes you prefer.
My first few tests were a bit sticky, was hard to turn them, but finding the right balance of ingredients finally made me happy on my pancake day!:)
Don't be afraid to differ and change things, but something I can tell you for sure, it tastes gooooood!:)
And it's a perfect healthy dessert, guarantee you won't feel guilty!;)
If you want a little bit of extra sweet delicacy on the top, you can prepare cocoa sauce.
There are millions of recipes on the internet, but I was lazy so I mixed only some cocoa powder with xilit and tiny bit of almond milk. I heated up the mixture in a pan on low temperature until the xilit melted smoothly.
That's it, easy peasy and definitely not the real pro version, but who cares until it tastes delicious!

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Which life fits me best?

Agree, why, why, why, why?
What if I won't be able to do all the thing I want to do? That's my biggest fear in this life.
There is no day this question not crossing my mind.

I was never good in choosing. In deciding. Telling what I want to do, what's gonna be my exact profession and how I'm going to spend my days in the rest of my life.
And that's a fight, a fight with myself. Because there are moments when I see that everybody around me has more idea about these things. And I want to decide too and I want to know the answers for all the questions.
But most of the time I love to be the way I am and I believe it's ok not to know all the answers and all the solutions.
I kind of like to be different and love the fact that I've never put myself into boxes. And I'm not even planning to do that.
I'm a bit of everything, a weird, crazy mixture of a creative person, maybe I can call myself an artist. Somebody who enjoys sport, so she just found herself having a tennis coach diplom. Someone who loves fashion and style, so she's studied to be a wardrobe stylist.
A girl who is in love with coffee, dreaming about an own hotel & cafe and on the way of realizing this, ended up working as a barista in the coolest little place ever.
And I feel like writing. Telling stories, sharing adventures, showing the World, convince people how wonderful life is. So I decided on blogging.That's it. I don't mind being different and walking on undiscovered paths. 
I believe we all have the chance to do whatever we want to do. I know it's never easy and know I'm lucky I'm not alone in this World, the greatest people on this Earth are behind me. And I'm truly thankful for that.

But the question is still left unanswered... Is it possible to do everything?
No, I can't say yes, not even with the biggest dreamer heart I have.
I guess we can do thousands of things we wish for, but definitely we have to choose sometimes. And that's hard for me, that makes me worried a bit. Makes me feel like running as fast as possible to go and LIVE! To BREATHE to LOVE!
And that what life is for, isn't it?

(Photo source: Pinterest, Inspirations)

Friday, 28 March 2014

Sweet nothing

Well, after a long week of work, finally I have a whole weekend for myself.
And what's the best way to celebrate this? Well... with doing exactly NOTHING.
Basically I've spent my afternoon with relaxing, daydreaming, drinking strawberry milkshake, enjoying the sun and the company of my grumpy cat!:)
But why should I feel bad?
Enjoying a moment spent with resting, is always much more advantageous than spending your time with something that doesn't make you happy.
If you're tired, sleep.
If you just want to watch the sky, then lie down in the grass and stare the sky.
And if you want to dream,
Try this strawberry milkshake!
4-5 pieces of strawberries, 150ml soy milk, 150ml almond milk, 2 tbsp xilit or other sweetener.
Use a blender to mix it and enjoy!

I guess me and my cat are just posing the same way!;))

Monday, 24 March 2014

Can you be happy for 100 days in a row?

My answer is: I'm ready for the challenge!
What say you?:)

Yesterday I've found an inspiring post on the blog "A beautiful mess".
Basically the challenge is about to take a photo of anything that makes you happy every single day for 100 day in a row.
I had kind of a same idea in mind for a while, but never really started to accomplish, so here is the moment to do it! I gladly say yes and join the fun!
If you're interested about my 100 happy days, come and follow me on Instagram.
I'm sure it's going to be funny to look back after finishing the challenge. The reason I particularly love that idea is, because I think we forget about many crazy little moments that made us smile. Most of the people only remember for the big events, birthdays, Christmas, holidays... but life is made of everydays. So instead of waiting for the next big thing in your life, try to enjoy your next 100 ordinary days!;)

My #day1
I'm totally happy for my frozen banana soy milkshake (:

Do you want to prepare that too?
Put a peeled banana into the freezer.
After an hour  blend it with 3dl of soy milk and a tbsp xilit (or any other sweetener you prefer).
Easy, isn't it?:)

If you feel like joining, use the hashtag: #100happydays

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Pancake Sunday#1

I guess all my friends know that I'm in love with food!:)
I enjoy breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner and everything before, after and in between.
Good food always brings smile on my face.
But. I find it important to take good care about what we eat. It's so easy to find super-duper cool looking sweets full of colouring, sugar and preservatives...

I already had a initiation about healthy baking.
I don't feel like continuing this blog separately, but from now I try to share some more recipes and advices on Wild Compass for Freedom.
Including a #pancakesunday, hope you'll all enjoy.

Here is the first easy peasy recipe.
Banana pancakes
Believe it or not, but these yummy pancakes were made of 2 eggs & 1 banana.
That's it. Use a blender to mix the ingredients, actually I used a tiny bit of grape oil too.
Heat up a frying pan, use some oil again to prevent pancakes being too sticky.
I think it looks better when they're smaller sized, like american pancakes.
Fry both sides & enjoy your delicious sweets without using anything unhealthy.

Do you feel like reading about more healthy recipes?

Thursday, 20 March 2014

International Day of Happiness

Did you know today is International Day of Happiness?
Yes? Then I hope you celebrated the right way and you were feeling wonderful.
No? The day is not over. So do something NOW that makes you smile!

We can be horrible in finding reasons why we are not completely happy.
Have you ever told you would be happier IF:
-you had more money
-better job
-a boyfriend/girlfriend
-more friends
-more time
-less things to worry about

Nothing is perfect and never will be.
But there is always a reason to SMILE:

-it's spring and today was amazingly sunny (at least that part of the World:))
-but anyway rain can be great too, makes you think about life and deeper things and perfect to have a hot cup ot tea and a good book.
-you were lucky enough to have the chance to see the sunrise this morning and you were still on this Earth to enjoy the sunset.
-the night is just in front of us. Look up at the sky and stare the starts, appreciate the peace and silence.
-don't want to enjoy silence? Go have a beer. Go to a party. Enjoy a cool concert.
-honestly... doesn't matter what you do, just do it with passion, prepare your favorote pancakes if you feel like, or watch your favorite movie.
Just spend one tiny little second feeling grateful you are alive, because that's what really matters. Doesn't matter what happened yesterday and you have no clue how's your tomorrow, but your real life is happening today...
Don't miss participating in your own life!;)

(Photos are from Pinterest. I don't own any of them. You can find them here.)

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

All about the Faroe Islands

Oh, I know, I was so bad when it came about writing lately.
I have so many things going on, I wish I could share everything with you, but I've just never managed to sit down, have a cup of tea and write...
Although soon I'll have 24h for me and to spend it the way I want. As I mentioned before, I'm leaving my job and starting my own projects, including writing. Reckless, ehhh, I know! But that's an other story.

Now I'm here to tell you some great news!
First of all, it's all confirmed, I'm travelling to Iceland again this summer.
2nd: my 3 weeks long journey will include 1 whole week on the Faroe Islands.
So I'm all super happy and excited, but have to tell I'm also nervous and stressful a bit.

I though I have plenty of time to organize, but  these days I'm realizing that I'm totally late... Come on, it's only March, and 90% of accommodations are booked!?
Nobody can tell me, I started to organize in the last minute, I have more than 3 months left!

So yeah, I'm in panic and all my thought are about organizing, booking, checking, reading, e-mailing, asking, organizing, organizing, organizing...
As always, I'm very accurate when it's about travelling. I don't want to set every minutes, but a real adventurous, eventful and memorable journey needs a lot of work. And when everything is ready, when you found out where to stay, which part you visit, what are the must do things, then of course you can fully enjoy you journey and you can let spontaneous moments colour the trip.

That means, soon I'm able to write a travel guide of Fare Islands without visiting it actually. :D
Conversations with me can include only travel costs, accommodation booking, why don't get replies from Couchsurfing:P and of course you can ask questions about the characteristics of all the 18 islands'....;)

If you know Faroe Islands by heart, or if you happen to live there, then I guess you won't read any new stuff now.:)
But actually now that I tell to more and more people about my journey, I keep hearing the questions...

Where the hell is it?
The Faroe Islands are located in the North Atlantic Ocean at 62º latitude North and 7º longitude West, approximately 430 kilometres south-east of Iceland, 600 kilometres west of Norway and 300 kilometres north-west from Scotland. (Now you understand why I'm in love with Faroe Islands already)
Population is about 50.000 people and the capital called Tórshavn.
Autonomy within the Kingdom of Denmark.
Total area is app. 1,400 km2 .
And as I mentioned before, Faroe Islands comprise 18 islands. (I guess I won't be able to visit all of them, right?!:D)



And more...
So... What do you think? Do you feel like having Faroe Islands on your travel list?
 (Photos are from Pinterest, can be found on my Adventures board. The rest are found on Google and linked directly. I don't own any of these photos.)

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Is it easy?

I'm in love with that thought today.
Simple, but so true.
There is nothing more important in life than being happy. It contains all those little details.
But I guess, we all know, sometimes it's pretty hard to follow a simple advice like that.
But it's worth a try, don't you think?