Yesterday I've run out of time a bit, there were so many things in my mind and actually we had a really cool weekend with lots of fun programs.
So this time #pancakesunday became pancake Monday!;)
A wonderful yummy looking pancake on Pinterest was my inspiration, but honestly finally I've changed so many ingredients and basically everything about it, that I guess, this is kind of a new recipe now!;)
When I'm baking I love to use my imagination and never really sticked to the quantities, so forgive me, but I can give you only a circa idea how to prepare this!:)
Here is what I used to bake no sugar cocoa-muesli pancakes
3 tbsp oat bran
5 tbsp muesli mix (no added sugar)
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tbsp xilit
1 tbsp ground almonds
2 tbsp graham flour
1 banana
2-3 dl almond milk
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 tbsp grape oil (and some more for the baking)
Use a blender to mix everything. Be careful with the milk, add it slowly and try to do some baking test before using the whole quantity depending how thick pancakes you prefer.
My first few tests were a bit sticky, was hard to turn them, but finding the right balance of ingredients finally made me happy on my pancake day!:)
Don't be afraid to differ and change things, but something I can tell you for sure, it tastes gooooood!:)
And it's a perfect healthy dessert, guarantee you won't feel guilty!;)
If you want a little bit of extra sweet delicacy on the top, you can prepare cocoa sauce.
There are millions of recipes on the internet, but I was lazy so I mixed only some cocoa powder with xilit and tiny bit of almond milk. I heated up the mixture in a pan on low temperature until the xilit melted smoothly.
That's it, easy peasy and definitely not the real pro version, but who cares until it tastes delicious!